Character improvements and New menu system

I've redone the character's script pretty much from scratch now that I underestand GBStudio a lot more, and now it's way shorter and more efficient, eliminated redundancies, ordered everything better, etc. even if it can't really be seen in videos, he definitely feels much more responsive nicer to control. 

Added a few minor details like the life gradually going up when drinking beers and inertia when turning around while running and some more. 

I've also remade how the metal Attacks will work. Previously they where signed to attack+ a direction simultaneously. Up and Down worked great but the sides made the magic attack to easy to fire without wanting it while turning to attack and stuff like that. So now we have a whole menu (placeholder) in the pause button, and we can equip the different magic attacks to up or down to fire them. So we only get to use 2 simultaneously but now, we also get more than 3 different ones. because 3 feels not enough for such a system. I am aiming for 6.


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